This website, Making Waves 2 was funded by the Greenpeace Educational Trust and covers the period 1990 to 2020.

A previous Greenpeace New Zealand history project which covered the period 1971-1990 resulted in the publication of Making Waves – The Story of Greenpeace New Zealand (Michael Szabo, Reed Books, 1991).
Listen to author Michael Szabo talk to Brian Crump on RNZ Nights
Since that book is now out of print, this project makes it available free-of-charge as a downloadable high-resolution PDF.
Both projects involved interviewing dozens of former and current Greenpeace staff and activists in Aotearoa and overseas, accessing the Greenpeace New Zealand archival files (now located at Auckland Central Library), the current files and photographic library at the Greenpeace office in Tamaki-Makaurau, and the online photographic library managed by Greenpeace International in Amsterdam.
Thanks to all interviewees and those who shared photographs and documents from their personal archives, especially Steve Abel, Vanessa Atkinson, Duncan Currie, Janet Dalziell, Catherine Delahunty, Nicola Easthope, Carmen Gravatt, Henk Haazen, Gareth Hughes, Gordon Jackman, Cindy Kiro, Adam Laidlaw, Alice Leney, Bunny McDiarmid, Stephanie Mills, Russel Norman, Claudia Pond Eyley, Mike Smith, and Rob Taylor. Thanks also to Nick Young and John Ringer for their technical wizardry.
The material set out here starts with an introduction, historical perspectives from five senior Greenpeace New Zealand staff from past and present, and a series of overviews of the main campaigns.
That’s followed by a timeline in eight chapters covering the period 1990-2020 which contains more detailed texts with quotes and interview material, photographs and illustrations, links to further relevant material, and references.
Michael Szabo
July 2021